Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fashion: Behind the Seams...

The glamour of the fashion industry is supported by a network of professionals working behind the scenes.  Let's take a peek at a few of these important pieces of the picture...

School of Style:

Picture Perfect:

Kiss and Make Up:

Hair Apparent:

Dress to imPRESS:

The Perfect Fit:

Location, Location, Location

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hanging out...

Hangtags are as unique as your company or designs! You can make tags from every type of paper imaginable and some unimaginable. Apparel hangtags can be made out of cork or plastic. They can be made as stickers or you could make tags that unfold into posters. See below for some imaginative examples:

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Diversity: Always in Style

As our world becomes even more connected through technology, fashion designers must consider inspiration from wide range of sources.  Cultures, body types, skin colors, hair textures, and lifestyles are all elements to be included in the creative process.  Below is a slide show of high fashion imagery that features models of color: men and women from Africa, Asia, India, Europe, South America, and North America are represented.  What are some of your favorite images?  What about your least favorites?  Do these models look like anyone you know?  Discuss and explain your choices.